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Eurogiro - Your Global Payments Community

Eurogiro is a unique payments network that connects different payments "ecosystems", e.g. postal organisations, post banks, commercial banks and other payment service providers, focusing on cross border high volume - low value payments.

Eurogiro facilitates members' cooperation in the field of international payments and offers efficient solutions supporting their offering to clients. Thereby Eurogiro helps increasing the business of its members.

To learn more, contact us at [email protected] or read What Eurogiro can do for you.

Eurogiro CEO speaks at the 'Pochtovaya Troika 2011' Forum hosted by Russian Post

In St Petersburg in the Constantine Palace on 21-23 June, the Russian Post gathered postal sector leaders, experts, regulators for the 10th anniversary of the International  Forum and Exhibition 'Pochtovaya Troika 2011' under the headline 'Post Modern'. Half of the time was dedicated to financial services and Eurogiro was invited among the speakers.


Russian Post manages to get attendance from out of space
This year, the central theme of the discussion was changes and challenges in the traditional mail business impacted by the internet age and specifically by the ' three e's': e-commerce, e-government and e-society.

The Forum was organized by the Russian Post with the assistance of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Federal Communications Agency. Through 8 different thematic sessions the Forum addressed the burning issues of the postal world. Eurogiro's CEO Tjeerd Rienstra delivered a presentation and attended the panel discussion on Modern Postal and Banking Services. Speaking on the challenge of modern cross-border payment services, Tjeerd Rienstra emphasized that 'trust, reputation and the unmatched reach' are the main assets of postal organisations.

At the forthcoming UPU congress next year and subsequent Director General elections, the Pochtovaya Troika participants had the opportunity to attend sessions on the individual strategies of the candidates on the future of the UPU, and this year's Forum was concluded by an afternoon devoted to a round table discussion on the future UPU postal strategy for 2013-2016. The 2 candidates for the President position are: Dra. Serrana Bassini Casco from Uruguay and Amb. Bishar A. Hussein from Kenya and the 2 Vice President candidates are Dennis M Delehanty from the US and M. Pascal Clivaz from Switzerland.

Dame Damevski, [email protected]       


Sending money from Europe to Uganda

Eurogiro partners with Turkish Post

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