In the procedures Gavrilo focused on how
the issue of supporting multiple releases
is supported. Issues found in previous
releases must be fixed in the coming ones
as well. The Eurogiro specific versioning
requirements are enforced using GIT as the
natural source code versioning solution.
Nemanja Gudzina from Seavus presented
the work in refactoring the code and
some of the enhancements directly to be
experienced by the user. The procedure to
upgrade the applications has been greatly
enhanced. Most of the upgrade to a new
version is automated, user friendly and fast
and thereby reduces the risk of errors.
10 Eurogiro News
starting from scratch on how to make a GUI
both useful and usable! What the users need
is not always what you have in mind or how
the developers think it should work.
To design a good application you have to
put the focus on who will use it and what
they need to do.It is important to focus on
the flow and keep in mind that iteration is
the key to quality.
Development tools
Gavrilo Belacevic from Seavus presented
technologies, tools and procedures used
in the software development - all based on
Open Source.
Technical User Group meeting 2014 in Belgrade
Presentations from members, suppliers and external consultants made the event a very interes-
ting and learning experience. It also provided a forum for Eurogiro to bring members up-to-date
on technical information about our products and services.
The event was held in one of the oldest cit-
ies in Europe – Belgrade in Serbia.
Eurogiro applications v4
The first part of the meeting concentrated
on the next generation of our ELS and ESM
applications with presentations on Graphic
User Interface (GUI) design, development
tools and code management followed by a
GUI design
Alessandra di Silvestro from Seavus gave us
an insight into “do’s and don’ts” in GUI de-
sign. She presented the guidelines described
in the February edition of the Newsletter,
Seavus team responsibilities:
release management
Belgrade is also the home town of our
software development. This gave the
participants the opportunity of meeting
a larger team from Seavus and to get
acquainted with the services they
can deliver.