In this respect, Eurogiro is working on a
turnkey platform that will offer members
a single point of access to multiple finan-
cial service providers that are already
integrated and ready to transact with
other members. This single point of in-
teraction with service providers is made
possible via an integrated web-based
software solution, and includes single
point of settlement and customer service
as part of the platform provided by Inpay.
This turnkey platform is the Eurogiro
In an age of declining traditional postal
revenues, the Eurogiro Supermarket
will empower members to step into
arena of cross-border payments in a big
way, while circumventing the costs and
complexities of bilateral relationships
and connections to multiple international
service providers. Members will be able
to significantly broaden the mix of finan-
cial services offered to their clients and
immediately grow their revenues.
An updated multilateral framework,
MLF2 is the legal foundation for the
Eurogiro Supermarket suite of services.
No additional signature or approval from
existing members is required (unlike
a single commercial relationship). The
regulated central counterparty, Inpay
will enable members to do business
The Eurogiro Supermarket
While continuing to provide a stable technological platform for secure exchange of payments between the
members, Eurogiro is actively working on next-generation solutions that will empower members to actively
engage in the world of cross-border services at an unprecedented level.
The goal is simple:
To enable and
empower organisations to offer
new financial services quickly and
seamlessly while significantly
increasing their revenues!
The Eurogiro Supermarket will enable
the following clusters of new services:
- Multiple connections to money trans-
fer companies
– enabling members
to immediately transact and transfer
money from multiple service provid-
ers. The immediate effect of this ser-
vice is clear: It will quickly increase
business in this segment, as a large
number of money transfer companies
will suddenly get the opportunity to
channel considerable volumes of
transactions to Eurogiro members.
- CrossPay Instant Money Transfer
– enabling members to ex-
change instant money transfers within
the Eurogiro community. In this way,
postal organisations will be empow-
ered to offer a global postal-branded
money transfer product, using the latest
technologies with real-time transac-
tion processing capabilities and robust
regulatory compliance adherence, while
making remittances transparent, com-
petitive and non-exclusive.
- Payments to accounts worldwide
– members will have the option of
competing efficiently with local banks in
the business of payments to accounts,
as the Eurogiro Supermarket will
enable them to use the power of a vast
and growing network of partnerships in
multiple countries operated by Inpay,
with the option of payments in EUR as
well as local currencies.
- eCommerce payments
– enabling
members to offer the service of cash
payments for goods purchased online
from major local, regional and inter-
national online portals. As the volume
of online commerce increases year by
year, one can only imagine the poten-
tial for generating new revenues in this
segment of business.
- eWallet top-ups
– enabling members
to offer cash top-ups of electronic wal-
lets provided by multiple international
as well as regional service providers.
This is predominantly a new line of
business for Eurogiro members, as not
many of them can currently service their
clients in this segment, especially when
it comes to electronic wallets provided
by international companies.
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2018 Eurogiro Annual Conference Group Photo
Eurogiro News 5