Eurogiro News 5
As it continues to extend its business territories
for 2013, PHLPost will visit countries where
there are large concentrations of Overseas
Filipino Workers to market the IPP service,
as well as the other services they offer.
Starting in March 2013, PHLPost, headed
by Postmaster General and CEO Josefina
M. Dela Cruz, together with Chairman Cesar
N. Sarino, will be in Brazil for the signing of
a MemorandumAgreement with the Brazil-
ian Post for the IPP service via the Eurogiro
network. They will also visit the Filipino com-
munities in Brazil to introduce and market the
services of the PHLPost. They are also plan-
ning to do the same in the key cities of Italy
and Spain towards the end of the first quarter
of the year. Postmaster General and CEO,
Josefina M. Dela Cruz, said she is hopeful that
this direct marketing strategy will encourage
our Overseas Filipino Workers to switch to
PHLPost, resulting in an increase in revenue
for the corporation.
"With Eurogiro as one of our partners, we are
confident that what we offer is a better alterna-
tive to our kababayans (countrymen) working
abroad in terms of providing a more conve-
nient and cheaper remittance service,” said
Dela Cruz. Last year, Postmaster General Dela
Cruz headed a marketing team in the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia and Dubai where they met with
different Filipino organisations to promote the
international postal payment service. “With the
continued decrease in sales of postage stamps
every year, we are obliged to embark on new
businesses and enhance those we already
have to make our presence felt and be more
attractive and competitive in the market. This
kind of shift allows us to broaden our horizons
and explore other possibilities to enable us to
be of service to our countrymen, both here and
abroad,” said Dela Cruz.
PHLPost to intensify marketing of Postal Payment Service
The Philippine Postal Corporation is set to intensify its marketing initiative on the International
Postal Payment (IPP) Service to more countries around the globe
Vietnam Post looks to the future for the growth of
remittances to Vietnam
Collaborating with Eurogiro members in conducting marketing activities identified as
key success factor for Vietnam Post
Vietnam Post, a state-owned enterprise under
the Ministry of Information and Communica-
tion, is the leader amongst the postal service
providers in Vietnam. Also, it has the largest
remittance network which spreads throughout
the nation. It has been over 4 years since
Vietnam Post officially joined Eurogiro network,
making it easier to build co-operations with
members from potential markets. During this
period of time, it is evident that our business
has grown from strength to strength. Vietnam
Post has signed a number of bilateral agree-
ments and established the money order
service with 7 Eurogiro members.
In implementing the service, Vietnam Post
essentially focuses on various marketing
activities at both sender’s and receiver’s
ends. With its nationwide network of 1,200
post offices and postal points of sale, we
organise sales staff from cities to communes,
even in the remotest areas. This helps us
identify, target and access the right custom-
ers, including those who have relatives living
and/or studying abroad, and those who are
about to go to work abroad. Moreover, oc-
casional promotions and gifting campaigns
are held throughout the whole year to draw
the attention of, not only existing customers,
but the wider community as well. The fact that
the results for each year always surpass the
results of the previous year is active proof that
our marketing methods are achieving success.
However, Vietnam Post understands that the
potential of the money order service has not
been extensively explored. The Vietnamese
economy is now more and more developed,
with a high growth rate, giving even greater
potential for international trade with other
countries. This undoubtedly creates a positive
impact on the remittance market. In the year
of 2013, we have set up a comprehensive
plan to boost the business, taking advantage
of the rising migrant remittance market which
reached 11 billion USD in 2012 (announced
by the Vietnamese Central Bank). First of
all, Vietnam Post is planning to upgrade the
internal operating system to ensure that trans-
actions are promptly and exactly processed.
Secondly, standardising the process of service
supply is of the utmost importance in order to
enable customers to easily utilise the service.
Thirdly, Vietnam Post will effectively collabo-
rate with domestic and foreign remittance
companies and organisations to expand the
network and access more customers.
Last but not least, we would like to work
closely with the existing Eurogiro members
who signed the bilateral agreements with
Vietnam Post to conduct necessary marketing
activities in the sending countries. This helps
bring the service directly to the people who
have the money, making them aware of and
have confidence in the service.
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