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6 Eurogiro News
The most popular element at Eurogiro
community meetings has always been
the bilateral talks. The 2012 meeting
was no exception. Here Mouna Oukassou
and Rachid Almandi, both from
Al Barid Bank, Morocco, talk to Eric de
Feydeau (left), from National Bank
of Canada. Al Barid Bank has already
established itself as a very active and
important receiver of remittances and
features as the largest and fastest
growing corridor for receiving Eurogiro
Cash International
According to Olivier Denecker,
McKinsey, un-locking the opportunity
from the world’s unbanked population
would create billions of USD in additional
revenues and the posts were particularly
well placed to take a leading role. Their
closeness to citizens, both in urban
and rural areas, could be leveraged to
introduce new payment methods and
simple banking solutions and to help
‘win the war against cash’
The Philippines is 4th largest receiver
of remittance funds and both Phil Post,
represented by Ms Dela Cruz, Postmaster
General, (right) and Land Bank, repre-
sented by Ms Pico, President & CEO
(left) demonstrated how their organisa-
tions take very active roles to help the
government realise its financial inclusion
agenda. Initially this is done by providing
pay-out products for receiving individu-
als, and then ultimately by investing in
infrastructure and offering loans, savings
accounts and advice - when money is
spent wisely, the community flourishes